Video: Isfahan’s Game Development Marathon
Isfahan’s third annual Game Development Marathon was held from August 4th to 6th. This year, 13 teams of developers, designers and artists attended the event and showcased a demo of their games to the judges. Watch this video and see what the teams have to say about their games.
Video: Meet the People of Tehran Through Shared Studios Portals
Shared Studios portals are containers which let people in different cities of the world get to virtually meet each other and have a live conversation as if they are standing in one room. Aparat, the Iranian video sharing platform has partnered up with Shared Studios and has opened up a portal in Tehran.
Video: Pirate Summit Tehran
Pirate Summit Tehran was held on the second day of Finstars expo. Watch this video to get a glimpse of the event and see what some of the startup founders are saying about their work.