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Reza Ghiabi

Reza Ghiabi
Reza Ghiabi is a responsible optimist and an unshakable opportunity maker. He believes in the existence of unlimited opportunities for everyone and our individual ability to activate them.
Understanding the Games We Play – Strategic Mindset
From starting a new relationship to ambitiously going after success, we are all playing games. Unlike joyful games we used to play when we were children, the games we play later in life as individuals, organizations, or even countries can be hard, exhausting and frustrating. But, if —and only if— we clearly understand the games we are playing and what will be our strategy towards them, they can be as joyful, fruitful and educating as they were, when we were a lot younger. Here is a mental model for you to understand the games we play and how to become a great player in them.
7 Things You Need to Know before Doing Business in IRAN
Iran is indeed among the most attractive and high potential markets of the world. But doing business in Iran is not that easy. It takes a lot of effort for foreign businesses to understand the eco-cultural climate of the country in order to unfold its unlimited opportunities.

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