Home Authors Posts by Hamed Jafari

Hamed Jafari

Hamed Jafari
Hamed is a startup community builder in Tehran. He is passionate in tech, entrepreneurship and innovation. You can reach him at Hamed[at]techrasa.com
Nowruz - Credit: Wikimedia
TechRasa team wishes you a very happy, prosperous and healthy new year! Today we’re celebrating Nowruz, the Iranian Persian new year and it’s a great time to look back and reflect on the highlights of the past year and the new year’s outlook. 
Telegram cryptocurrency (Gram) - Photo Credit: Carl Court - Getty Images
According to Iran’s ICT Minister, the Central Bank of Iran will be in charge of making decisions over Telegram’s cryptocurrency (Gram) in the country.
Iranian App Makers Are Copying, and that's OK!
Is it really a bad thing that at this stage most of our tech companies in Iran are copying proven business models in other countries? Read the article to find out more.
Silk Road Startup Summit, Iran’s first international B2B and invite-only conference will take place in April 18-19, 2018 in Kish Island.
Silk Road Startup Summit, Iran’s first international B2B and invite-only conference will take place in April 18-19, 2018 in Kish Island. The event would bring together the best local startups, investors, corporations and accelerators in the country. Ticketing for the summit is now open.
Dunro - Aftab Communication Group
Dunro, an Iranian search-and-discovery app has received a local investment fund from Aftabnet Communication Group (ACG), one of the most active players in Iran’s marketing industry. This deal could further put Dunro ahead of the competition through the influence that its new investor has in the market.
Post Bank of Iran Plans to Launch the Country's First Digital Currency
With the order of the Minister of ICT, Post Bank of Iran will be issuing the country’s first digital currency over the blockchain technology as a pilot. 
Value of Imported Mobile Phones into Iran Reaches 342 Million USD
According to Iran Customs, the value of imported cellular handset into the country amounted to 342 million U.S. dollars in the past 10 months. 
Taxi Drivers Sabotage Snapp's Office in Kerman
Yesterday a group of so-called taxi drivers attacked the newly opened office of one of Iran’s major ride-hailing apps in Kerman, causing injuries and vandalism.
Over Half of Iranian Students in the US Are Enrolled in Engineering Fields
A new study shows that 53.2% of the Iranian students in the US in 2016/2017 were enrolled in the engineering fields. The return of these engineers to their home country could help Iran’s startup ecosystem which is facing a human resource challenge. 
Iran to Issue Its Own Cryptocurrency?
According to Iran’s Deputy Minister of ICT, the ministry is ready to collaborate with the Central Bank of Iran and the National Informatics Corporation to prepare the facilities for local FinTech companies working on cryptocurrencies. 

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