Iran’s mobile network has seen tremendous growth in the recent years. Here are its latest statistics until April 2018.
According to Tasnim, official statistics show that until the first half of the previous Persian year 156 million, 548 thousand and 511 Sim cards were handed to people by the mobile operators which 85 million of them are active. These operators each fight and compete to dominate the country’s communication market.
Share in Iran’s Communication Market
The latest official statistics reported by the government relating to the role of mobile operators in Iran’s communication market show that the first operator, Hamrah-e Aval (MCI), has a share of 59.53% of the market after that, Irancell owns 38.47% and the last, Rightel which owns 2%.
Related: Iran Mobile Network Operators Market Share – June 2017
Coverage and Penetration Rate in the Country
Until June 2017, MCI with a penetration rate of 62.5% expanded its coverage to 32,078 km in main routes and 34,591 km in side routes, which in total with railways reaches 75,595 km and 96.5% of the whole population of the country.
Also Irancell with a penetration rate of 40.1% managed in covering a total of 35,936 km.
Rightel as well with a penetration rate of 2.08% covers 27,406 km.
Related: Iranian Mobile Operators Coverage – MCI Still the Dominant Operator
Mobile Broadband (3G and 4G) Services
When it comes to broadband services, MCI was the last of the three to upgrade its services to 3G and 4G. But in a short period of time this operator was successful to provide these services in all the cities (1246) of the country with 3G, 4G and 4.5G services.
The second mobile phone operator, Irancell, also holds a considerable share in the communication market, covering 220 cities, villages and routes with 4G and more than 3 thousand cities, villages and routes with 3G. This operator also announced that, it’s offering 4.5G services in more than 390 cities.
The statistics also show that these operators, in providing broadband services to rural places have huge differences. That is, MCI covers a total of 44,918 villages, Irancell 17,631 and Rightel 65.
Operators After MNP (Mobile Number Portability)
After more than one year passing from the MNP, MCI contrary to the predictions of many experts has actually gained 42,657 subscribers. In detail 236,014 people using the MNP moved from other operators to MCI and 193,363 have moved out.
However both Irancell and Rightel suffered a loss of subscribers in the order of 16,577 and 26,074.
Related: Iran Mobile Operators Statistics After MNP Implementation
The statistics show a considerable progress in mobile networks in Iran since the past few years, especially in covering and offering these services in all parts of the country. Thanks to these developments in the New Year holidays, all those who own a smartphone were able to share their travel memories instantly with friends and acquaintances and promote the country’s landscapes and historical places all around the world.
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