According to a recent study, 6 out of 10 Iranians are a member of Telegram messaging app. The study also indicates that 58.4% of Iranians over the age of 18 are using this app.

Every month we hear about a new study about the influence of Telegram on the Iranian people. A recent study by the Iranian Students Polling Agency (ISPA) indicates that with 58.4%, Telegram is the most popular messaging app among Iranians.

Over the past two years, the popularity of Telegram among Iranians has helped with the spread and growth of the Farsi content over the web. Last month, the Head of Research Center at Iran’s National Center for Cyberspace had said that “The number of public Farsi channels on Telegram has passed 555 thousand today, and the published content over these channels have broken records and reached to near 1.1 billion.”

In a previous study by this research group about the validity of the shared content over Telegram, 19.1% of Iranians said that they highly believe in the validity of the content, 17.1% said they have an average point of view, and 39.6% said that they mostly don’t believe the content.

A sign in downtown Tehran reading “Don’t believe the rumors on the internet”
A sign in downtown Tehran reading “Don’t believe the rumors on the internet”

Also 40% of the teenagers between the age of 10 to 17 said that they use their own mobile device to access the social media, while 60% of them use their parents’ devices. Of which only 13% used a desktop computer, laptop or tablet to access the social media.

The study also shows that 59.7% of Iranians over the age of 12 years old are a member of at least one social media platform. 56% of the parents have said that they monitor the time and the content of their children’s activity over the internet and 21% don’t have any supervision. In total 90.8% of Iranians use their mobile devices to check the social networks, while 10% of them use a desktop computer and laptop and 4.2% use their tablet devices.

After Telegram, Instagram is the second most popular app and social media among Iranians, with probably more than 20 million users. This social media is especially popular among the younger generation in Iran who like to follow the daily lives of Iranian and global celebrities.

ISPA’s latest report also indicates that 54.2% of Iranians consider social networks as a useful tool while 38.8% consider it harmful.

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