According to the Head of the Research Center at Iran’s National Center for Cyberspace, Telegram channels have broken records for the number of Farsi content over the Internet.

Since the introduction of Channels by Telegram as a tool for broadcasting messages to a large audience in September 2015, many Iranians have been using this app as their primary media to follow the news and share entertaining content.

Today many Iranian social media influencers are using this app to write short blog posts or share multimedia content. “According to statistics by the National Center for Cyberspace, the number of public Farsi channels on Telegram has passed 555 thousand today, and the published content over these channels has broken records and has reached to near 1.1 billion,” said Dr. Assadpour, Head of Research Center at Iran’s National Center for Cyberspace.

“If we combine the number of created content over social media and other messaging apps to the ones on Telegram, we can say that the number of created content on these networks over a year will surpass the number of overall content since the beginning of Farsi web.”


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According to Dr. Assadpour, Farsi web pages over the Internet are estimated to be around 1.2 billion and the number of Farsi content on Telegram are almost reaching up to this number. According to the Head of this research center, 2 to 3 million Farsi content (posts) are posted every day on this messaging app and by October this number will surpass the number of produced content over web pages. “If we combine the number of created content over social media and other messaging apps to the ones on Telegram, we can say that the number of created content on these networks over a year will surpass the number of overall content since the beginning of Farsi web,” said Dr. Assadpour.

Of the 555 thousand public Farsi channels on Telegram, over 20 thousand channels have at least 5 thousand members. Of the total number of published content on Telegram channels, 88% are fresh content and 12% are forwarded messages. But keep in mind that many of these content are copied from other Telegram channels.

According to Dr. Assadpour, the total number of Telegram channels are 720 million and considering the 40 million Iranian users on this messaging app, on average each user is a member in 18 channels. Average lifetime of these channels are 312 days.

Statistics also indicate that 70% of these channels have been active in the recent month. On Average, the content published over these channels have been viewed 1,125 times and the overall views for all the Farsi content is estimated to be 1.2 trillion.

What do you think about theses statistics? Do you think there’s still room for competition in this market for another messaging app in Iran to compete with Telegram?

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