A new chapter of collaboration between Iran and Nokia has started that brings new technologies to Iran.

Partnerships with Nokia has a rich history in Iran, from the commercial cell phone side and also massive collaborations with Nokia Network and Nokia-Siemens company on the Telecommunications and network side. Ministers of Communications of Finland and Iran, as well as the CEO of Nokia and Chairman of Shatel (One of the three main mobile network operators in Iran) as the representer of The Consortium of TDD-LTE Providers, had a meeting to develop the infrastructure of the TDD-LTE in Iran.

The Consortium of TDD-LTE Providers consists of many companies which Shatel, Hiweb (ISP), Asiatech (ISP) Pishgaman Kavir Yazd have the major shares. These companies have gotten the rights to provide TDD-LTE services from the officials.

Development of internet in Iran is taking a much faster pace in the past years. Fiber optics is also in development but in a much slower pace. Wireless internet could be a fast implementable solution in providing fast internet to highly urbanized and remote areas. Irancell has recently introduced its TDD-LTE service to public, and some other internet and mobile network providers are thinking of taking the same steps.

Development in the national internet bandwidth and faster internet speed will create a better landscape for more startups and businesses to provide new solutions with the help of faster internet speed. With TDD-LTE providers can introduce wireless internet speed up to 150 Mb/sec to customers. Typical ADSL broadband internets in Iran are somewhere between 512 Kb/sec to 10Mb/sec. This number is noticeably low comparing to world standards.

4 new companies including the ISP Shatel, have gotten the necessary license to provide TDD-LTE to customers with the help of Nokia as the technology partner. According to Tasnim News, the service will be live for customers in 6 months. Companies that have the FCP license that want to enter this market could use the resources the Consortium of TDD-LTE Providers has to offer. Nokia’s technology will help Iran to provide high-end internet faster and with higher quality.

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Sorry Alireza, since when is Shatel “One of the three main mobile network operators in Iran” ????