The Iranian Ad Exchange Adro launched it’s Real-Time Bidding platform alongside other features. This is the first time such virtual Ad marketplace has been created to work within Iran’s AdTech ecosystem.
What is a Real-Time Bidding (RTB) platform? RTB is an auction like a virtual marketplace where suppliers and websites auction their impressions to potential buyers. An Ad Exchange announces each impression in real-time, and buyers can valuate that ad and if interesting they can set a price and buy that in a short amount of time.
This platform gives buyers more streamlined and transparent way to buy ad inventory for each impression and allowing to bid on each based on that impression’s individual worth. This will help Iranian buyers and Ad Networks tremendously.
Adro also launched a Demand Side Platform (DSP) for buyers and a Supply Side Platform (SSP) for web publishers. The reason behind this is that Iranian Ad Networks did not operate with this specific technology, and this market gap made a logical reason for Adro to develop one. A retargeting system is also installed on this for the very first time in Iran. The DSP dashboard is now also open to any non-Iranian company outside of Iran that wants to buy Iranian impressions. The newly launched RTB platform will also be installed on top of that and would be available for Iranian and non-Iranian advertisers.
With all that said, Adro has created a unique opportunity for international companies to advertise in Iran. “You should know that the lack of Iranian traffic inventories was the main issue in the way of agencies and AdXs to work in the Iranian market. That is why we recently created inventories of 190,000 Persian websites & applications with more than 250 M daily traffic,” said Adro’s co-founder Ali Jafari.
An RTB platform from an AdExchange can change the landscape of online adverting altogether. Smarter online advertising with better pricing will also lead into more advertisements in Iran’s online world.
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